Analysis Software

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Analysis as simple as possible…

Save time, money, paper and effort and also process existing data, if necessary.
DCeasy will optimise your process sequence of the analysis and enable you to free-up resources.

The Facts

Best prospects! The solution requirements for optimised printing services and, therefore, an optimized process sequence are constantly increasing.

Since 2010, we not only offer you a manufacture-independent, printer administration solution with FMAudit-Software, but also access to our qualified and straightforward technical support. As a partner of specialty trade, we continue our successful concept of process optimisation and streamlining with another solution.
Convince yourself: DCeasy.

What does this mean for the specialist trade?

The solutions business is growing rapidly

Service and transparency is paramount

Stronger client loyalty is in demand

Consumable materials volume is decreasing

As a partner of speciality trade, we understand what you want:

A manufacture-independent solution

Online and Offline

Capturing of building plans

Public, private or client server solution is possible

A solution with low initial investment and low monthly expenses

The Concept

Situation Analysis:

With our solution, we enable you to easily capture your client’s printing devices directly in room plans.

Present yourself as professional with an application that enables you to capture each devise simply and intuitively, and exactly where it’s located. This also includes, alongside the printer fleet, workstations and LAN connections.

Capture the devices’ serial numbers simply with the barcode scanner, which works with the tablet’s camera.

Naturally, you can also refer back to the data of your fleet management. We have take into account that you are able to further process already existing data via a csv. file import.


Analyse in a simple manner your client’s printing environment costs.

Target Performance Analysis:

Simply optimize your client’s printing environment with DCeasy.

Captured devices can be replaced in the project planing by individual user-friendly devices or simply change the location of existing location.

The data/ project administration is on the DCeasy server, which you can directly access, and prepare your projects for work on a mobile end solution (APP), receive files from fleet management and evaluate executed projects.

Reduce your efforts for a successful consulting by digitally carrying all necessary files with you. Simple and secure in the DCeasy-App.

You can come to expect the following features:

Capturing of individual plans and sketches or escape plans via camera.

Exporting of project files via e-mail directly from the app

Capturing of devices and workstations via camera (barcode-scanner)

Transferring of device files from your fleet management system such as FMAudit, a USB viewer or also from a CSV file.

Administrating, planning and evaluating of your projects on one server

Positioning of the devices with drag-and-drop

Cost analysis and optimisation

and much much more….

Request a demo version either from us or the AppStore

The Advantages

Here, we’ll show you a summary of the advantages:

Simple integration of already existing data (FM): import functionality by means of a csv or xls file

Simple administration of projects: direct access to the backend server

Simple capturing of building plans: import functionality on the backend server or camera function app

Numerous analysts on location

Modern, mobile end devices

Online and offline functionality

Manufacturer independence

Mandatory field option and free comments sections

Why easy?

Simple connection also from already existing device files

Simple administration via webportal

Simple with every system (iOS, Android, Windows)

Trust our know-how

Individual consultations, presentations and system introduction